Is HTC losing interest in Windows Phone?

The people from Digitimes published an article that clicked on my head, as they commented that the company HTC would be losing interest in Windows PhoneDoing a bit of memory on the news, it made me think that, maybe, they are not so wrong.
Digitimes says that due to the strength Nokia puts into the operating system, having about 80% of the market, HTC may stop putting effort into Windows Phone to be able to focus on getting back on the Android court with the HTC One. for the low-medium range of which nothing more was known, will they have canceled its launch?Also, there was talk of the possibility of HTC launching a version of the HTC One with Windows Phone, together with the GDR3 version of the same and the latest was the HTC 8XT, an exclusive version for Sprint.
HTC at the time, with Windows Phone 7, had good control of the – small – operating system market. Then Nokia came along and started to make a lot of noise with its terminals, but it didn't give up and launched, with all the hype and cymbals, the HTC 8X and 8S.
Personally, I really liked these terminals, especially in design, which I like more than Nokia's. For a few months it seemed that we finally had an interesting rival for Nokia; someone to tell him “Everything is very nice gentleman, but here you are not going to do what you want”, total, in the end the beneficiaries of this are always the users.
The months passed, and HTC had not put as much effort as Nokia to be able to stand out; no new terminals or exclusive applications, the thing seemed to be focused on the HTC One and the Android operating system. But no one can blame them for putting effort into that terminal and system (it wasn't bad for them), after all, that cartridge of Taiwanese bullets is f altering, and they must take care of each one they spend.
And now this thing appears that it could throw in the towel on Windows Phone, which is a shame, because they seemed to show a renewed desire and enormous potentialAlso, if HTC leaves the OS, who's going to compete with Nokia? We need someone to exert strength on the other side so that Nokia doesn't let itself be, so that it doesn't think that by having leadership, it can start leaving users aside. Perhaps Samsung, in order to compete with Nokia, will work harder on Windows Phone... but I don't see it as feasible.
We're going to have to wait until September and see if HTC launches a new batch of Windows Phone products for 2014. If that doesn't happen, I think the company's decision is pretty clear. Personally, I hope this is not the case; I like the terminals of this company, and surely they must have a lot of ideas filed in some database, which would be a pity if they are wasted.
Time will tell…