Emulating the sensation of touch on a monitor. The future according to Microsoft

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I am in front of my monitor screen, I have holes of different shapes and materials in front of me, and a selection of objects in the left side menu. And I must manage to introduce each other.
Simulation of resistance and touch
When I try to insert a square object into a circular hole, no matter how hard I push by hand, I can't. On the other hand, if I adjust the star in the appropriate socket, it slides smoothly, with a slight vibration due to the friction of the surfaces, until it reaches the stop.
On the other hand, if I introduce a rough piece I need to apply more force – even with both hands – and the vibration of friction reaches my elbow.
This, which looks like Science Fiction, is one of the projects being developed at Microsoft Research under the name 3-D Haptic TouchBeing, simplifying it a lot, the union of a 3D touch monitor – quite robust, by the way – with Force Feedback effects to which we gamers are so accustomed, both on PC and consoles.
Like any invention at the beginning, looking at the diagrams it can be seen that it is a bit "mazacote" and that it is in its first technological stages. But, if further research is carried out, we could come to perceive the material of an object represented on the screen by touch.
The applications are inexhaustible, and just for the progress that would mean in accessibility it would already be worth it, opening up a very interesting market if reduced production costs.
Also, for example, the execution of remote actions on physical devices could be improved if, to the current interaction, it is possible to add tactile sensations beyond those obtained with the well-known virtual gloves.
And let's not say in the gaming realm, where the combination of a 3D monitor (with depth effect) with ForceFeedback sensations would allow developers to put in real troublethe most inveterate gamers.
Can you think of more applications?
More information | Microsoft Research shows off force feedback 3D touchscreen In XatakaWindows | The future according to Microsoft