Qualcomm and AMD seek to conquer ultrathin laptops with Ryzen processors with LTE connectivity

A while ago we discussed what may be the news of the week, if not of the month. Microsoft and Qualcomm working together to facilitate the arrival of laptops with ARM processors. A novelty announced by Qualcomm at the Qualcomm Summit event that has focused all the spotlights.
However, it has not been the only major news and it is that what can be a dream for many, for Intel can be a nightmareAs if the threat posed by the arrival of ARM architecture to laptops was not enough, Qualcomm has incidentally announced an alliance with the other major SoC manufacturer, AMD, so that AMD's new Ryzen Mobile processors have gigabit connection thanks to the use of the Qualcomm Snapdragon modem.
This is news that can change the way we play on our computers Let's think of a team always connected thanks to an LTE connection via laptop. A computer that could make use of an eSIM (a long-awaited type of card) that directly integrated would only require registration with the chosen operator.
A connection that would allow the combination of graphic power and total connectivity on a single device in order to always be connected. If it comes to fruition, since there are still no materialized developments on the table, the PC _gamer_ sector would have a good alternative when choosing a laptop. At least, they ensure that there will be greater competition.
And we must remember that AMD's Ryzen Mobile processors are a real alternative to 8th generation Intel Kaby Lake. Processors with Zen architecture, Radeon Vega Mobile 8 and 10 graphics and quad cores at 2GHz and 2.2GHz respectively that want to be the main option for manufacturers when it comes to equipping a laptop.
It is to be expected that little by little and as time progresses, we will begin to receive news of the new equipment that could arrive with this solution. HP, Asus, Lenovo... there may be quite a few manufacturers that bet on an option that puts Intel against the ropes.
More information | Qualcomm