Lenovo releases an update aimed at correcting the latest security breach in its computers

When the news broke last year referring to serious security problems in Lenovo laptops, all the news alarms and it is that beyond the problem itself, being one of the most important computer manufacturers in the world (if not the most) the problem multiplied."
The Chinese manufacturer saw that due to the _software_ that came pre-installed on its computers could be the object of a malicious attack A fact that was reported revealed by experts and computer security analysts who discovered how the program created by the firm Superfish could allow an attacker to violate the privacy of the personal data of users who own a laptop from the Chinese manufacturer.
And now the situation is repeating itself with a new bug, a new vulnerability, known as CVE-2016-1876, which was already discovered in December 2015 and to which the Chinese company is now providing a solution in the form of a security patch.
"A bug that was given by the Lenovo Solution Center (LSC) program, Lenovo&39;s own application that allows users to perform diagnostic functions and quickly identify the status of the equipment&39;s _hardware_ and _software_ as well as network connections and security. The vulnerability was that a local user without administrator privileges could execute code with system privileges."
From Lenovo, although they have been slow, they have solved the problem with the latest security update, so that the execution is blocked of code on the computer by someone who is not an administrator and thus eliminating the high exposure to which our data was subjected.
"To proceed to patch the bug we must update the Solution Center to the latest version, always clear, in case the user does not I would have chosen to uninstall the application at the time the error occurred."
And it is not the first time, and it will not be the last, that we are going to witness a similar case that we have already seen repeated on too many occasions (Lenovo, Dell and Toshiba are good examples) and which shows that on a large number of occasions, both _bloatware_ by manufacturers causes more problems than solutions it provides
Via | ThreatPost