Does your laptop battery drop alarmingly? Reduce consumption with these measures

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One of the most frequent complaints among mobile device users is the one that refers to the poor battery life in some of them. A duration that is also increased with the passage of time and its deterioration.
This decrease in battery capacity is manifested in a decrease in autonomy but it is also that this drop in useful hours is accentuated by practices that we often unintentionally carry out on our equipment . That is why we are going to enumerate a series of steps with which improve, even slightly, the autonomy of our teams as a measure prior to a possible global fix or a reinstallation of the system.
The first step you have surely heard on some occasion and consists of removing it (if the battery is removable) from our device when we are using it connected to the electrical current. In this way we will improve battery life by eliminating unnecessary strain generated by an increase in temperature. And it is that although the battery ceases its activity when it is charged, this excess heat is the worst enemy of our battery. This does not mean that we never use it, that either. We must use and charge it periodically but not combine battery and current regularly in long sessions.
It is about avoiding cell wear, a loss of capacity of the same that can be easily verified if when disconnecting from the current the equipment we see a message of little autonomy time or if, on the contrary, this has been significantly reduced since we acquired it.
Take care of the functions of the equipment
Another basic aspect is the computer screen. We really like having that cool screen saver or leaving it active for a while even if we don't use it.Mistake. It is convenient to have it only active for a prudential time, for consumption, autonomy and also for the security of our data. A time of 2 minutes and that it goes to sleep can save us a few minutes of battery life. And the same with the shine. Unless it is necessary, it is not advisable to have it on full as it reduces consumption.
Performance and Applications
If we are going to surf the net like this, we are not going to need a full configuration of all the functions and processes of our equipment.It is a question of adjusting the operation at all times the same as, for example, we do in a car with the driving modes.
On the other hand, it is convenient to close all the applications that we have in the background and that are not necessary If, to give three examples, you do not use the browser program to update your equipment, you don't want to know anything about Dropbox or, for example, you have a mail manager... control their automatic startup and operation to avoid unnecessary consumption.
It's just a few steps, some tips, easy to follow with which you can achieve greater battery autonomy in your equipmentwithout having to resort to more drastic solutions.