Intel becomes more demanding with Ultrabook equipment

The fourth generation of Intel Core processors has just hit the market. Those known as Haswell offer great improvements not only in performance, but also in consumption and that is why Intel has just updated the specifications that a computer that wants to carry the Ultrabook label must meet.
The Ultrabook concept hit the market in 2011 when tablets were beginning to steal the laptop market and Intel saw how Apple was taking the upper hand with its lightweight MacBook Air laptop. So Intel created a new product, Ultrabook.Back then the specs were a bit vague as only a thin and light Intel platform was required, however with the arrival of Haswell that has changed, and in what way!
An Ultrabook must have touchscreen and Intel is urging manufacturers to release hybrid tablet/laptop products that can separate the screen from the keyboard.
The device in question cannot be thicker than 23mm if it wants to be released as an Ultrabook and must be ready to be voice controlled .
The first Ultrabook to meet the new specifications is the HP Envy TouchSmart 14 and it also meets another of the requirements, perhaps the most demanding, a autonomythat allows the reproduction of HD contents for 6 hours, a minimum of 9 hours running Windows 8 in rest and that lasts up to 7 days in standby.
This point is possible thanks to the integration of the Haswell, Core U and Y chips, with very low TDP:
Another of Intel's demands are going to stop at the resume time point after suspend. This process should take no more than three seconds.
In addition to supporting wireless connectivity, an Ultrabook must also offer direct support of Wireless Display (Intel Wi-Di), the technology for making streaming video on an external display / compatible device.
And last but not least, all Ultrabooks will arrive pre-installed with antivirus and anti-malware with support for anti-theft technology: Intel AntiTheft and identity protection .
It's good to see how Intel raises the bar when it comes to demanding functionalities and features in the current times for laptops UltrabookSome of the requirements are quite interesting, such as autonomy, however, another point leaves something to be desired when compared to MacBook Airs that have a maximum thickness of 1.7 cm.
In addition, we also miss the requirement of current functionalities such as a Thunderbolt port or USB 3.0 ports, but this first step by Intel marks the trend to follow and is, in general, a step in the right direction.