Do you want to give a different touch to your desktop? Here are some websites with HD and UHD wallpapers

When we buy a mobile phone, a console, or a computer, one of the things we like to do the most is to give it a personal touch. Have something different, something that has an image that is more similar to our style… customize our equipment the same as the one that _tunes_ your car (but without being so exaggerated ) And one of the first steps we always take is to change the default wallpaper.
We are not going to go into assessing which is better or worse, since colors are for everyone's taste.What we can say is that those included from the start by different manufacturers are usually quite bland and boring (with some honorable exceptions). That is why apps that offer funds and pages with funds to download and give a different touch to our screen proliferate. The problem is that now, with the high resolutions of monitors and televisions, not any background image is useful. And for that reason we are going to provide you with a series of links with access to wallpapers but with Full HD and UHD resolutions So you can choose the one you like the most.
It's about finding high-quality images with which to give a personal touch to your PC's wallpaper, especially if you want to look for a high image quality. They are pages where you can find both Full HD backgrounds and 4K wallpapers to use on your computer.
HD Wallpapers
We start with this website that offers funds in both Full HD and UHD. It is the top that offers HD Wallpapers. A website where we will find a series of images classified on the left by categories When entering any of them we will see the chosen image occupying the center of the screen.
Under the same the different resolutions that we will find, taking into account that not in all funds we will find the same options When _click_ on the chosen option we will see a new window in which to download the image in the chosen resolution by pressing the Download button that appears in the upper area."
Best Wallpapers
Best Wallpapers has a large number of high-resolution backgrounds. An intuitive website with a classification by type on the right, another zone on the left ordered according to resolution and a central zone with the most popular funds.
By clicking on the chosen background, a new screen opens where we can choose the desired resolution (from 768p to 3840x2160 UHD ) and proceed to download it using the right button.
Another alternative is Wallpaperswide, a web that as a curiosity and as a help lets us see in the upper zone what is the resolution of our screen to use the appropriate background. We are going to find wallpapers up to 7680 x 4860 pixels… that's nothing.
The classification, either by categories or resolutions is on the left and The way to proceed is the same as on the other pages Click on the chosen background and once inside the tab we _click_ on the chosen resolution to start the download.
The fourth website that we bring is Wallhaven, a website where you can find even 5K resolutions for some funds. And as in the previous two, we can order the funds by _clicking_ in the upper area But no families, because it only allows you to do it by randomness, by ratio, by popularity or by date of addition to the catalogue.
We combine all these options and we update so that the funds that meet our search appear on the screen The next step is _click_ on the image you like and on the new page _click_ with the right mouse button or _trackpad_ to download it.
For me it is the one that offers the most elegant backgrounds, all mostly related to nature.Interfacelift also has an application for Android and it is that among its features we find that its funds adapt from UHD resolutions to formats for two and three screens as well as for the iPhone.
In the upper zone we find the different search values that we will be able to regulate and once selected, the funds that comply with those values appear requirements. Once the background has been chosen, under it we will see a button in which to select the resolution and when loading the background on the screen we will only have to save it with the right mouse button.
Ultra HD
This time all the funds have UHD resolution. Ultra HD which is the name of the page groups the backgrounds into nine categories including, as in Interfacelift, support for multi-monitor resolutions.
With an operation similar to the previous ones, once we have located the image we like, click on it so that it will become larger and to show below the available resolutions so that we click on the chosen one and the download is carried out.
A website in Shakespeare's language but very easy to use In WallpapersCraft we will see, as in the others, a classification based on resolution on the right and categories on the left. We are going to find a large number of wallpapers in 2K and 4K, as well as other different resolutions.
We _click_ on the one we like and once in the tab we click on the chosen resolution. We _click_ on the image again to enlarge it to that resolution and press the right mouse button or _trackpad_ to save.
HD Wallpapers
It may be the most intuitive page we are going to find In HD Wallpapers we are going to find on the left the backgrounds grouped by resolution and on the left on the right the classification by families. We combine both and choose the funds that we like the most on the screen.
The new screen once again shows the chosen background in a larger size in what becomes its tab. Under the image the different resolution options. We only have to _click_ on the chosen one and the download begins.
There are only a few pages, which we have considered most interesting due to the quality of the images and the variety of families to choose from. With all these options, you surely have no excuse for your screen or PC monitor to continue being boring.
In Xataka SmartHome | When you go to buy your television or monitor that does not talk about 4K: the correct thing is to use the term UHD