
Rumors persist about the need for permanent connection on the future Xbox


Rumors are gaining strength around the need for always-on connection for the next generation of Xbox. This time it is Kotaku who claims to have received information about it. Next-gen Xbox, codenamed Durango, will require an Internet connection to play

As usually happens in these cases, there is no official confirmation from the manufacturer about these details. These are rumors and leaks that are sometimes true and other times mere speculation with more or less foundation.

However, there are a growing number of people with ties to the gaming industry, including the sources that leaked this information, who have had some sort of access to Microsoft's plans for Durango.

The development of games for the console is intensifying and as we had the opportunity to see, there are screenshots of a Durango XDK, which the source of this news places in the Beta phase and is already in hands from the creators of games.

In any case, these statements must be taken with caution. The permanent connection is a control formula to avoid piracy, although in this case it would be to avoid the second-hand game market.

These measures are very unpopular, because they represent a serious inconvenience for the owner who has acquired an application through “orthodox” channels. Remember the SimCity 2013 case and the monumental anger of users due to insufficient servers, which has forced EA to give away some games to compensate for the inconvenience caused.

Nevertheless, within the rumors that have been circulating about Durango's need for a permanent connection, it very much specifies the behavior of the console in the event of a possible interruption of the Internet connection.

Some have also suggested that this control occurs only in the XDK , so that Microsoft can provide updates to developers as quickly as possible. We'll see what happens eventually when the product is announced, probably at E3.

That a specific game needs an Internet connection in the face of a hypothetical data exchange is one thing, and limiting the use of an entire device is quite another. Above all because the competition does not have that uncomfortable requirement .

Via | Kotaku


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