Analysis of Modern Combat 5

Table of contents:
- Good graphics, but not much different than before
- A new experience system
- Lots of variety of levels
- We need if or if internet connection
- Conclution
- Modern Combat 5: BlackoutVersion - Only for phones with more than 512MB of RAM
Last Thursday Gameloft released Modern Combat 5 for all platforms. It is priced at $6.99, and unfortunately does not have a trial versionAnd with that price, making a purchase is not something we do lightly, especially if we consider that with that money we can buy 3 or 4 games.
However, Mmodern Combat 5 is worth every penny we throw at it, because it's basically the Call of Duty of phones mobile (in a good way).
Good graphics, but not much different than before
In any case, this does not mean that it looks the same, the quality of the shadows, reflections and lights have been improved, as well as the textures, which now look a little more colorful.
Although the graphics have not been drastically changed, it is clear that the focus was on improving the gameplay experience, which is totally different to Modern Combat 4.
A new experience system
Now every time we play a game in campaign or multiplayer mode, we will gain experience and then apply it to our abilities. We have 4 classes with their unique weapons and abilities.
As we gain experience we will be stronger in multiplayer and we will have more tools to play in campaign mode. Each level has a series of achievements that we can achieve more or less easily depending on our team.
But not only will we gain experience to raise our class skills, but every time we use a weapon we will gain experience on it to unlock new utilitiesto add it.Going to our equipment, we will see all the accessories to include our weapon that will add or subtract us in some characteristic (aim, damage, and more).
Lots of variety of levels
But this is also supported by some achievements that will give us more experience. Each level will ask us to have a lot of precision in the shots, get multiple kills, destroy particular enemies and more.
We have 5 chapters in campaign mode where you travel through different parts of the world such as Venice or Japan. In addition to the levels belonging to each chapter, they also bring some in multiplayer with their respective achievements.
As you can see, there is a lot of work going on in both multiplayer and campaign mode, giving not only variety of levels, but also reasons to keep leveling up.
We need if or if internet connection
But this is not only when starting the game, because if at any time while playing the campaign mode we disconnect from the internet, Modern Combat 5 pauses until it finds an available network .
To play the campaign mode we can use our data plan, however, remember to download the chapters when they are available, since otherwise you will have to download them with your mobile network or play the previous chapters.
Modern Combat 5 is to be played near a WiFi network and with a plug to connect the charger, since this, at least the Nokia Lumia 920, puts it to work and eats a good portion Of battery.
On the other hand, Modern Combat 5 is a game to enjoy at home for two reasons: one is that you are going to spend the battery and you may run out of phone in the afternoon, and the second is that if you play with your mobile connection you run the risk of the game pausing at all times due to loss of signal.
But still, it's a great title that shows that graphic quality isn't just reserved for consoles and computers.
Is anyone already playing it? What do you think of him?
Modern Combat 5: BlackoutVersion - Only for phones with more than 512MB of RAM
- Developer: Gameloft.
- Download it at: Windows Phone Store
- Price: $6.99
- Category: Games