Microsoft To-Do is updated on iOS and Android with improvements focused on facilitating the use of shared lists

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To-Do is a Microsoft application designed to manage tasks and it is one of the applications that is receiving the most care from the American company by having continuous updates that have gained users on the different platforms in which it is present.
To-Do is an app that drinks from the waters from which Wunderlist was born, as it has been developed by the same team responsible for the latterWith the acquisition of Wunderlist by Microsoft, To-Do began its development based on different updates.To-Do has seen how support for multiple accounts, compatibility with Cortana, the power to postpone appointments or the striking dark theme arrived. Improvements to which is added a new update for both iOS and Android that comes loaded with improvements.
Microsoft To-Do
Microsoft has updated To-Do for Android and iOS in a version numbered 2.8. An update that, together with the expected improvements and corrections, adds a series of new features that we will now review.
To-Do on iOS
- The appearance of Suggestions has been improved>"
- If you've used our smart due dates, you may have noticed that the due date text didn't disappear from your task. Now To-Do will delete it automatically.
- The experience when using Siri Shortcuts has been improved and localization has also been improved.
- "On Japanese devices the support option was missing in Settings. They are working on a solution."
- Fixed an accessibility issue where voiceover did not announce available actions on loaded files in detailed view.
To-Do on Android
- For lists imported from Wunderlist these are now highlighted and can be shared in To-Do.
- You can now turn off notifications for shared lists directly in the to-do settings. Just go to settings and disable shared list activity.
- Added more shine to our animations and fixed some bugs.
Microsoft To-Do can be downloaded for free from the Google Play Store for Android and from the App Store for iOS and as we say , is an alternative to other popular applications on the market designed to manage our day to day.
Download | Microsoft To-Do for Android and iOS Source | MSPU