According to specialist Mary Jo Foley

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On many occasions we have talked about the Microsoft Store or what is the same, the Microsoft Store. A way of accessing applications by Windows users directly from the computers or via the web and that since its inception has suffered from problems such as the lack of options or the prevailing disorder.
What surely many are unaware of is that Microsoft also opted for professional and educational environments by launching two complementary stores such as the Microsoft Store for Businessy Microsoft Store for Education. And it's these two stores that according to ZDNet's Mary Jo Foley, have their hours counted.
An uncertain future?
According to the well-known analyst, Microsoft is rethinking the way it delivers its applications for Windows users in professional and educational settings . An opinion that would make sense if we think about the fact that last year, Kevin Gallo, corporate vice president of Microsoft's Windows developer platform, stated the following:
It is somewhat striking if we consider that in 2017 Microsoft bet on the possibility that users could only install software from the Microsoft Store in Windows 10. Two years later it seems that the position is not so clear.
He hinted that was not the only possible distribution channel and now Mary Jo Foley says that Microsoft's next move is to close Microsoft Store for Business and Microsoft Store for Education starting June 30, 2020.
With these two stores, Microsoft wanted to make applications available to its users outside the usual channel that is the Windows Store in Windows 10 These could upload private applications so that only certain people in very certain circles had access. However, many developers have not embraced UWP applications, either through new applications or by adapting existing applications in Win32 format.
According to Foley, Microsoft is currently unclear about the future of its app stores and thus has had access to conversations in which seeks to develop a new strategy. In fact, he ensures that in the 20H1 branch of Windows, access to the Microsoft Store is not set by default from the taskbar. So would only web access remain?.
The Microsoft Store in general, its future is not clear, but apparently the two specific stores, Microsoft Store for Business and Microsoft Store for Education would see June 30 as history.Perhaps that is the day of the closure, as has already happened with the store for Windows 8, something that requires advance notice to those affected.
Microsoft was asked about it, the company claimed to have nothing to share The truth is that the Microsoft Store is far behind what the Apple App Store or Android Google Play Store offers. Few applications and organizational chaos that may have fatal consequences for your future."
Source | ZDNet