The numbers speak: Windows 10 is still present on almost half of the computers while Edge slightly increases its presence

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We are approaching the end of the year and it is time to review figures and evaluate numbers. And in the case of Microsoft, the protagonists are usually two. Its operating system, in this case Windows 10 and on the other hand the browser, with a Chromium-based Edge that takes over from the more classic version of Edge.
And so we face the results of adoption and presence in the market that Netmarketshare shows with the two emblems of Microsoft. Some figures that show, on the one hand, a small rise in Edge, which is gaining integers, while Windows 10 loses some market share
Market share
Starting with the least positive aspect, Windows 10 has recorded a slight loss which comes as quite a surprise since Microsoft had been around for months seeing how its operating system continued to gain presence among users. It's a small dip, but there it is.
Windows 10 that went from being present in 53.81% of computers to doing so in 46.59%. Still, the dominance remains overwhelming. Higher than Windows 7 with a 33.37% presence or Windows 8.1 with 4.15%. Other versions of Windows such as Windows 8 remain at 0.81%.
The competition, for its part, is far behind, with macOS 10.14 sporting a 5.24% market share, while macOS 10.13 or macOS 10.12 and 10.11 have 2.07%, 0.96%, and 0.63%. And in neutral territory, Linux with 1.47% of the market.
If we look at the panorama by blocks, Windows continues to be the most used, being present in 87.29% of the computers while that macOS occupies the second position with 10, 11% of the market. After them and almost testimonials, Linux with 2.03% of the market and Chrome with 0.38% complete the group.
In the case of the web browser, Edge has a market share of 5.46%, still very far from the dictatorship from Google Chrome which enjoys 67.30% of the market share. Closer is Firefox, which has 9.08%. For its part, the presence of Internet Explorer is still surprising with 7.50%, even more than Microsoft Edge.
We will have to see how the browser market evolves and if Edge notices the presence of a global version for all users from January, leaving the testing phase in which it has been since its launch.
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