These are the improvements that Microsoft will add to Teams for Education to improve its use in educational environments

One of the market niches in which Microsoft wants to be strong and in which it has more work to do is the one that falls within the educational sector. It is the goal of Microsoft Teams for Education. If at another time it was Microsoft that dominated that market, the arrival of Apple first and especially Chrome OS later, came to pose a previously non-existent competition
But from the American company they don't want to resign themselves to losing the leading role and the best way to avoid an unpleasant situation is not just betting by new environments, but by launching improvements and updates to the market aimed at enhancing the possibilities of working in such a specific segment.
And that's what they just did; have announced various updates that will arrive aimed at providing improvements in equipment for the educational sector. Usable improvements both by teachers and students.
Thus, for example and seeking to offer a more affordable and complete user experience, a new grid view is released that makes it easier to locate any computer on the network. In summary, it is about offering a more friendly and visual design when representing each team."
In the same way a new system is added to show the qualifications, which comes with the intention of making the qualification process more transparent by allowing everyone to know the scores on each task in a given course.
Teachers will also benefit from this system, as it allows them to know in the long term, and therefore have a better perspective, of a student's progressthroughout a course. This allows you to establish specific teaching patterns for that student.
In the same way, they plan to make it easier to share content from external applications, for which the Share in function has been redesigned teams. It will be easier to create tasks or send links to specific students from an external application. The objective is to facilitate the expansion of the resources available to the teacher."
They also plan to be able to send communications about student progress and homework to parents and guardians.It will be through weekly updates that will be used by email to keep parents or guardians of their students informed about their children's progress in class.