The Surface range brings out the good he alth of Microsoft: its sales are growing like foam

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There is something that Microsoft is doing remarkably well in recent times: the commitment to launch more than interesting devices on the market. Both in terms of design and in terms of performance, the products that come with the Microsoft seal have nothing to envy to the big brands. In fact can be compared to the launches of a reference brand such as Apple
The Surface Studio and its second version have nothing to envy to the iMac while the Surface range of tablets, convertibles and laptops can look face to face to iPad and MacBook no problemA critical and public success that translates into excellent sales. So much so that Microsoft boasts of them in the latest report published by the company.
This report refers to the earnings and benefits of its last quarter and in it the family of Surface devices is the protagonist, since has caused a large increase in sales benefits of the company by generating high sales.
According to said report echoed in The Verge, sales have grown by 12 percent during this last quarter, reaching a figure of 32.5 billion dollars. Of this figure, a large part of the blame lies with the Surface family, which has grown tremendously."
Microsoft speaks of a 39% growth compared to the previous report, which has generated almost 2,000 million profits from sales ( exactly 1.860 million dollars). In fact, devices like the Surface Book 2 and Surface Go managed to hit $1.1 billion in sales.
Regarding other sectors, Microsoft reported that within the entertainment division, revenue from _hardware_ sales fell, especially due to the launch of Xbox One X. A 19% drop that contrasts with revenue growth from game sales, which were up 8% this quarter or the number of active Xbox Live users, which were up 8% to reach 64 million.
Microsoft Cloud
In this sense, we must talk about the Microsoft cloud, another of the current bets of the American company. Revenue from cloud-based products and services overall grew 28%, while Microsoft Azure specifically grew 76% this quarter while to make a total of 29.100 million profit"
Among the segments that are also growing we find the commercial products and services in the Office cloud increased by 11%, growth which is based on the 33.3 million subscribers that Office 365 has. LinkedIn is also growing, which with 29% growth seeks to make profitable the 26,000 million that Microsoft disbursed to take over the platform.
On the negative side, Microsoft has seen the number of revenues from Windows licenses drop A drop of 5% that is explained , according to the company, the competition in a market niche where Chromebooks are stomping and which it wants to face with its new affordable entry-level devices, in the case of the Surface Go.
The fact that Microsoft provides sales data (others like Apple prefer to hide them), speaks of the general good he alth of the company which is not in vain it has made it the most valuable company in the US market.
More information | Microsoft