The Messages utility within the Your Phone Companion app is consolidated and loses the last name beta

One of the fronts that Microsoft has opened and in which it is also working better, is the one that has led it to take its applications to other mobile platformsThe black luck that Windows has had on mobile phones suddenly made it a good option to launch its most iconic applications on iOS and Android. And success has not taken long to smile on them.
Very far from the disaster suffered in Windows Phone, Microsoft applications are a success in downloads on iOS and especially on Android. There are options for all kinds of needs, so much so that we even tried to survive a week using only Microsoft applications on Android.One step remained to be taken, and that was to bring together all these apps in a kind of _market_ of their own, for which they launched the Your Phone application, a utility that is now consolidated with the latest _update_.
Called before Microsoft Apps and then Your Phone Companion (Your Phone), the objective of Your Phone is that those of us who use a Microsoft application on Android associate in more effectively the use of these applications with the desktop applications that we can use on the PC. And by the way facilitate the search."
Once installed and after the registration process with our Microsoft account, the application offers access to all Microsoft applications. A kind of container that avoids having to browse Google Play to find the application we are looking for such as Word, Powerpoint, SwiftKey, MSN News, Arrow Launcher...
The application was in constant development, something that we could appreciate since a good part of its functions were in beta or development phase and we say they were because it is history. This is the case of the Messages function that allows the synchronization of SMS between our Android _smartphone_ and the PC with Windows 10, a utility that no longer includes the word Beta "
In this way we can have all the messages that arrive on our Android phone and our Windows 10 PC synchronized. And the same thing happens with images, utilities that could be expanded with further enhancements in the near future.
"Microsoft is doing it ten times with its applications on Android They offer excellent results on a day-to-day basis and are an excellent alternative to applications originating from Google.Your Phone is the last example. The only requirement to be able to use Your Phone Companion is to have a device that has Android Nougat 7.0 or a higher version. _Have you tried it yet? How about?_"
Source | WBI Download | Your Phone Companion