Microsoft integrates NewsGuard into Edge to combat fake news on both Android and iOS

_fakes news_ or false news is one of those terms that have permeated significantly in society. They gained strength coinciding with the US elections and the Brexit referendum in the UK. A start that was the preamble for these to flood all kinds of social networks on the web.
They have permeated so much that from different levels of society, both public organizations and private companies, they have proposed to put an end to them by all means. It's about putting an end to fake news that causes misinformation among users and Microsoft is the latest company to join the cause.
The tool to fight against _fake news_ is Edge for Android, which will now integrate NewsGuard in the Edge Beta version for Android. The betatestars of the app will be the first to be able to access this improvement.
NewsGuard Tech already has extensions for browsers like Google Chrome, Mozilla Firefox, Microsoft Edge and Safari. Edge for Android, on the contrary, already integrates it directly without having to install any separate add-on. In this way, it follows in the footsteps of Google, which already integrates it into Chrome for Android.
NewsGuard is based on an automated system based on the use of artificial intelligence that together with the task of a team of people It is in charge of analyzing the veracity of the news that appears in different portals and web pages.Its operation is based on ratings with green (good) and red (bad) colors that are given to different websites, ratings based on their credibility and transparency.
NewsGuard comes to Edge for Android and also for iOS, as Apple's operating system also benefits from the updated application, if well here to access the Beta version you have to use the TestFlight app.
Until now, users who wanted NewGuard had to download browser extensions for both Edge, Chrome, Firefox, and Safari. With Microsoft Edge integration for Android and iOS, NewsGuard furthers its career to become a staple feature in browsers
Download | Microsoft Edge beta for Android Source | Forbes Photo | Wokandapix Photo | Pixel2013