Privacy on the scene: they sue Microsoft for collecting data and transferring it to third parties

We already know that today the GDPR (General Data Protection Regulation) comes into force, the new data protection law of the European UnionYou may have noticed the amount of emails and notifications from companies and services that are flooding your mailbox these days warning you of the change in their privacy policies, so much so that it is sometimes desperate.
And large companies do not escape this maelstrom. Quite the contrary, since they are one of the most affected by the amount of data they have.Google, Apple, Facebook or Microsoft must adapt to this new regulation whenever they operate in the European Union One more example of the concern there is about the use of our data , especially when the Cambridge Analytica scandal is so recent.
That is why this news item, which features Microsoft and the complaint filed against it by an Indian businessman named Vinit Goenka, is striking. The reason? He accuses the Redmond-based company of illegal data collection, espionage, and information theft In fact, we have already seen how Microsoft takes this practice very seriously.
We all know that big companies collect our data and that is how they say, when a product is free, the product is youIn the case of Microsoft, Windows 10 can be an inexhaustible source of information that collects data from all our daily activity.Data that is collected and whose subsequent treatment is usually a source of conflicts.
And that's what Goenka's lawsuit is based on. According to the complainant,Microsoft sold the information it had collected from it to third-party companies located outside of Indiaand did so without the complainant's consent. To reach this conclusion, it is based on the massive arrival of emails from other companies with which the American company would have shared data. These data, of a very personal nature, were the protagonists in the emails that were being sent to them.
Goenka also maintains that it's not just Windows, because Microsoft includes code in all its programs that can be used to obtain user data A fact that he assures is especially serious in India, whose citizens are especially vulnerable to this type of practice.In fact, the accusations with Microsoft as the protagonist have been around for some time.
Microsoft has reacted by announcing that the improvements introduced with the GDPR in the EU will be extended to many other markets under Microsoft's Data Subject Rights . Users will have a privacy panel, where the data that the company collects from us.
In the lawsuit, Goenka asks that the situation be studied and demands that measures be taken considering the increasingly worrying inferiority situation in which citizens find themselvesagainst this common practice in large companies. A way of acting in which we almost always come across a lack of transparency and little care in data processing.
Source | Live Law In Xataka Windows | The privacy of our data is the key and at Microsoft they want to be more transparent with the way they are collected In Xataka | GDPR/RGPD: what it is and how the new data protection law will change the internet