The cross of Microsoft: despite the efforts

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The situation of Windows when it comes to mobile phones is bad. Either due to the lack of terminals or the scarcity of applications, the current state of the platform is what it is and little can be done about it. We are not going to assess which of these two factors has been more decisive, although it cannot be denied that the lack of applications is a very prominent point
When iOS started, it did so with a strong App Store, which in fact today is still the queen among the application stores of the different systems. With its pros and cons, it ranks above Google Play, also with a huge catalog and both far removed from the Microsoft App StoreThose from Redmond have killed their mobile ecosystem due to the lack of applications, something that does not happen with Windows for computers because the Microsoft Store is not essential here, although they cannot neglect their he alth.
A functional and attractive app store
Looking to the future, the applications that we download from an _app store_ will have more prominence than those that arrive through an external channel. We will see this especially with Progressive Web Apps after the failed attempt to achieve this with Universal Apps (UWP).
And to be prepared at Microsoft they still have a lot of work ahead of them since the Application Store they offer is chaotic in their organization, so that it is not functional on many occasions. Likewise, the appearance is light years ahead of the competition. Two factors in which they want to work from the American company.
Microsoft tries to boost its Application Store for Windows 10 and despite the efforts it has not just taken off They have a huge park of equipment and users, which on paper and in theory would give them a solid foundation on which to grow. And yet, the situation of the Microsoft Store is not good.
Terry Myerson announced how Windows 10 is penetrating the market while more third-party apps are coming to the Microsoft Store but these are doing so too slowly , at least if we compare it with the other platforms. And this is not exactly good if you want to attract external developers.
First they tried it with the Universal Applications and then they have moved on to the Progressive Web Applications but it seems rather that they are hitting the air trying to hit the piñata , rather than following a defined pattern.
According to Microsoft, the “Entertainment & Games” category is generating the most downloads and money. A good fact that, however, is obscured when seeing that the income is distributed only among some developers, so that a great majority do not find it interesting to bet on the Microsoft Store
Windows 10 S already taught us which path they should not take at Microsoft, especially with a store like the one they have today. The competition with the Win32 applications we all know is very strong and as long as they don&39;t have a solid Microsoft Store, it won&39;t be interesting to walk around. "
Developers will continue not betting on it, since it is more appealing to develop for iOS and Android and in any case, if you want be present in Windows, go for a Win 32 app. If you are a Windows, iOS (macOS) and Android user _which of the app stores would you prefer?_
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