Microsoft has 30 days to end stickers that void the warranty of your devices if you handle them

Surely on some occasion you have heard a story related to the practice of some companies to protect the security of their equipment by means of some stickers inside that warn that their removal or manipulation invalidates the guarantee of said products
"This is a way of proceeding carried out companies such as Hyundai, HTC, ASUS, Sony, Nintendo and Microsoft A way of acting with which they want to end from the Federal Trade Commission (FTC, for its acronym in English), which established the nullity of these stickers that declared nullity of the guarantee if they were removed.They are those stickers that can come with a legend similar to this “Warranty VOID if seal is broken”, "
These are systems how paint used on screws to ensure they have not been touched to modify the internal components of a device or perhaps the best known, the famous moisture-reactive stickers on IPxx-certified devices.
Despite this warning, there are companies that continue to apply this practice and that is why the FTC has given these companies a period of 30 days to remove these stickersTo this end they have been notified by mail on April 9 and in case of not complying with said orders they run the risk of being penalized.
And it is that under this way of proceeding, what companies do is force users to use official technical services to repair their equipment so that if they go to a third party service to replace parts or other services, the warranty will be voided.In fact, it is enough to take as an example the case of Microsoft and the Xbox One, in which you can read:
This regulation will annul all those stickers that seek to restrict the ability of users to go to any center to repair their equipment. No company may deny the mandatory guarantee of its products even if they have seen how some of these controls are removed.
It should also be remembered that the FTC also does not take a dim view of replacing non-original components (memories, screens, connectors, chargers …) so that even if this type of repair is used, they say, the company cannot claim a loss of warranty.
In this way, what the FTC is trying to protect the consumer against the abuses of large companies and seeks to prevent the guarantee of a product is linked to the use of certain products or services that benefit large corporations, detrimental to small sellers and users who sometimes find themselves in a situation of vulnerability due to lack of competition.
Source | VG247