For the sake of digital education

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Does life without Wi-Fi make sense? For many the answer is more than clear and it is a resounding no. Users who want to be connected all day or who require it. Personally I think that disconnection is good, especially for our he alth. But the road ahead for companies is totally different
We already saw a few days ago how Microsoft had in mind to turn airplanes into huge Wi-Fi hotspots that will take the network to points that until now is impossible. A large-scale version of another project they are already carrying out that aims to achieve the same thing, but on a smaller piece of land and by means of school buses.
Seeking to promote digital education
The iconic yellow vehicles for transporting students in the United States would be the perfect access point In fact, the American company has tried to achieve that the pertinent authorities grant them the free band of the television channels for their use in broadband and in this way bring the Internet connection closer to rural areas that right now lack access to the network of networks. It is the White Spaces project.
A project that seeks to offer users the ability to identify and access unoccupied television channels available by specific location and In this way offer the ability to transmit over greater distances with greater coverage with significantly lower power consumption and lower cost to the user.
The goal is that students who travel by bus have a permanent connection and can even take advantage of the time on the way to do homework ( Always connected). It is a system devised by Microsoft that now sees how it can be left behind with the Rolling Study Halls project that is being carried out by Google.
The Mountain View company goes a step further and has managed to equip up to eleven school buses with Wi-Fi connectivity using technology from the broadband education provider Kajeet and the non-profit network CoSN. It is a program started almost two years ago, in Caldwell County, North Carolina (near the Google data center in Lenoir), later reaching Berkeley County, South Carolina.
Google's intention is to expand this system to 16 more districts so that Wi-Fi-equipped buses allow students to being able to connect to continue on the long routes with school tasks (another thing is that they want to apply themselves to them later).
According to the company, with this system and after one year, it has been determined in collaboration with the College of Charleston that students were more likely to be digitally literateand 80 percent of participating teachers said they were more likely to introduce digital lessons into their classrooms.
With this system it would be possible to increase up to 1.5 million usable hours for thousands of students each year. Students will even have the opportunity to work alongside an onboard educator to complete their assignments from their computers.
Source | PocketNow Learn more | Google Blog In Xataka Windows | This is the solution proposed by Microsoft to achieve Wi-Fi coverage in a larger geographical area