Microsoft's goal is to end scareware on our computers and Windows Defender is the weapon to achieve it

One of the utilities that you have surely used at some point are those that offer an improvement in the performance of our equipment, ensuring its optimization. With tasks of cleaning, disinfecting, deleting files, many times they offer more problems than they solve
And despite everything they are still very popular programs. And no, let's not think that it only affects Windows and its ecosystem, since all platforms have their corresponding examples of _scareware_.Without having to try too hard, we found similar apps on MacOS and Android that hurt more than they fix Something Microsoft wants to kill off.
With the aim of putting an end to this type of program, which also, behind a facade of clean and neat utility, offer different solutions that get deep into our system, have set up a plan from Microsoft.
Some programs that, behind a clean and neat utility façade, offer different solutions of doubtful efficacy
To do this they will use Windows Defender, the Windows 10 antivirus software, an application that will see its functions expanded coming soon with the arrival of a new utility. This is to integrate the function that allows Windows Defender to remove software of this type.
But not all programs of this type will be affected, rather the objective is to to end those that offer solutions of dubious improvement or those that offer the user to pay for a function that basically does not bring improvements to the equipment.
The problem is that although they are usually free programs, once installed they offer payment either for extra functionality, for expiration of the trial period or for the user acquires a _premium_ version with more functionalities that are not such later
Windows Defender will try to locate such applications and mark them as unwanted in order to proceed with their removal. Good news that we would love to see it make the leap to other platforms, since this type of application normally makes use of the ignorance of many users to roam freely on the devices we have at home.
More information | Windows Defender Blog In Xataka Windows | Windows 10 won't let you turn on real-time protection? This is how you can fix it