Google claims to have discovered a Specter patching system that doesn't slow down performance on computers

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Spectre and Meltdown: they are the two terms that have been in fashion for just over two days in the world of technology We've already talked about them. We have seen the response of each of the affected companies, how the threat goes beyond Intel processors (also ARM and AMD) and we have even seen how to solve the mess with not very good consequences.
"And it is that the statements from Intel that when talking about the patch mention performance losses depending on the workload, have not sat well with the users and what say of the affected companiesOne of them is Google, which is still working on the case [after discovering the vulnerability some time ago], although now it seems to bring good news."
Performance will not be affected
The reason is that two Google engineers have published on the Google blog intended to talk about security a discovery that they can see as manna from heavenfrom Intel, AMD and ARM, if the solution is effective and they decide to apply it. A patch that yes, only applies to one of the three variants involved in the new attacks, Spectre, the most difficult to deal with.
From Google they have investigated how to solve the problem and thus They have found a new patch at the chip level that Google has already applied to the entire infrastructure of the company. A patch that stands out from what has been seen so far because it hardly affects the performance of the equipment (just remember that there was talk of significant performance losses).This improves the performance that has been achieved with KPTI (Kernel Page Table Isolation or Kernel Table Page Isolation).
The patching technique responds to the name of ReptOnline and Google has made it public so that affected manufacturers can apply it and that In this way, the systems do not lose processing capacity.
And it is that the cloud is the main one affected by this design flaw A cloud in which we find companies as important as Amazon ( would have already had performance problems after applying a patch), Apple (has acknowledged that all its computers are affected) or Google, which apparently has managed to minimize the loss of performance in Google Cloud with this method.
For now Google's discovery seems to be great news for companies and users, but we will have to wait until the patches are implemented and check if there are slowdowns and what is the result it offers.
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