Microsoft shows off Edge's performance in streaming video against Firefox and Chrome

Despite Microsoft's efforts, few PC users use the Microsoft Edge browser, at least when compared with Firefox users and let alone whether the comparison is made with Google Chrome.
From Redmond they are doing the impossible, thus offering the browser to iOS and Android users in the form of an application, but for now it still has a titanic struggle ahead to try to attract supporters to the cause. We have talked about the difficult situation in which Edge finds itself, but if there is something to be praised about Microsoft, it is the effort it usually makes and the cost it throws in the towel (except with Windows Phone).So there's nothing better than getting back on track defending your browser with a new video.
For the test we have used three identical devices of what appears to be a Surface Book and using streaming video has been tried to verify what is the performance it offers in terms of battery autonomy with each of the browsers.
A video to try to counteract the push of Firefox and Chrome in which they defend the best performance offered by Edge against the competition when playing video. Specifically, they talk about how with Edge you can stream video, saving up to 63% more battery life than Firefox and 19% more than Chrome.
The video is very striking, let's say everything in passing, but it offers little information on some factors that may be fundamental It is the case of the streaming channel chosen for the tests, the resolution used or if the latest version of each of the browsers used has been used.
And it is not that we doubt the veracity, but it would be convenient to assess the quality of said test if they let us see what values have been used for itand thus be able to say wow... it's true, saving battery life is important.
We can in that case do the test ourselves, with the latest version of Windows 10 Fall Creators Update and in the three browsers, each updated to the latest version. You just need time and patience Do you dare to take the test to see if what Microsoft tells us is real?
In Xataka Windows | The hit on the Mozilla table with Firefox Quantum is brutal. Are you going back to Firefox or are you still sticking with Edge or Chrome?