The president of Microsoft India neither confirms nor denies in an interview if they are working on a Surface Phone

The failed experience with Windows Phone has left Microsoft in an awkward position. Try again with a new product? Let the train pass and focus on the range of computers and convertibles where [such good figures are reaping? These are the two paths they can take and everything seems to indicate that they will opt for the first
Thus throughout 2017 we have been seeing how rumors and statements have come to light from the Redmond company that hinted that yes, something is brewing.A project that for now we have called Andromeda and that may be the same (or not, who knows) as the that serves to develop a hypothetical Surface Phone Lo It is true that despite the failure of Windows on mobile phones, there is a desire to see a new terminal, which is why at each event where we have a representative of the company, the question is inevitable.
And that's what happened at a conference in Hyderabad where Microsoft India President Anant Maheshwari was asked about Microsoft's future plansFrom Xbox to the Office range through Windows 10 S, questions were everywhere for Anant to answer and of course, the Surface Phone also played a leading role in them.
In fact, in Digit they have released the interview and it is striking that Anant neither confirms nor denies the majority, something logical on the other hand: no company is going to provide plans for their future or immediate movements.Thus to the question about future _smartphones_ Anant replied that not everything has been said
"He neither denies nor confirms and his answer leaves everything up in the air and allows us to doubt what could happen. However, it seems that from Redmond, something is plotting. We do not believe that they will throw in the towel so easily, especially if we think about the juicy business market that is at stake and in which Microsoft has such a powerful presence. Something, maybe a Surface Phone, is in development, that&39;s almost certain."
Anant also talked about Windows 10 S, Xbox and Surface and gave his impression on the company's policy that allows historical Microsoft applications to reach other platforms such as iOS and Android and put the iPhone as example. For this he stressed that what is important are the applications and not the operating system.
The interview with Anant in Digit is very complete and if you want to access it you have all the information at this link.
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