Microsoft seeks to win over Android users and attract them to Windows thanks to the success of Microsoft Launcher

We have spoken on other occasions about how Microsoft is looking towards other platforms (Android and iOS) given the disaster suffered with its proposal, Windows Phone. The _smartphones_ market is more powerful than ever and a company of this caliber cannot miss the opportunity to be present in it.
And although it doesn't use its own operating system, it does have its own applications, star applications such as the Office suite, OneDrive, OneNote, the Microsoft Edge beta and even a launcher.It is about attracting users of rival platforms so that they try the advantages of having the synchronization between their PC and their mobile and for this they have reinforced their commitment with Microsoft Launcher.
And it is that although in the Google Play Store there are many launchers (launchers) to customize the device (Nova Launcher, Apex Launcher, ZERO Launcher...), Microsoft's is one of the most successful ones that is having An application that stands out above all for having very good (true) reviews in the Google Play Store.
At Microsoft they have done a great job and it is demonstrated with Microsoft Launcher and its privileged position as leading application in trends within the Google Play StoreA _launcher_ that, among other advantages, allows the Android terminal to be synchronized with Windows 10 so that we always have updated calendars, contacts and even documents, which we can send from the device to the computer.An advantage to which is added the possibility offered to continue viewing a web page on the computer if we already had it on the _smartphone_ through the option “Continue on PC”
In addition, the high score obtained by Microsoft Launcher (it stands at an average of 4.6 out of 5) is mainly due to the stability it offers and very important in the green robot platform, the lower memory and battery consumption in such a way that it does not diminish as much as other alternatives the performance of the apparatus.
It's a pity that all of Microsoft's effort finally has to focus on releasing its flagship applications on other platforms, applications with improvements that in many cases Windows Phone users see passing by with a certain air of sadness.
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