Microsoft has in mind to give the 3-pin jack connector a second chance

When Apple at the time discarded the 3.5 mm Jack connector, many voices were raised against it and not without reason, at least in part. Apple's idea was logical, because by eliminating this connector, it was gained inside the terminal to improve other aspects such as the battery. However, the complaints came because although correct, it may still be too early to end this type of connection
And it is that eliminating the 3.5 mm Jack port meant leaving behind a large number of headphones that we can have at home , some of them of high quality and if we want to continue using them we have no choice but to use an intermediate adapter.I have suffered from not having the 3.5 mm Jack and believe me, when I have not had access to Bluetooth headphones or their battery has run out, on more than one occasion I have found that the adapter was left at home. A nonsense with which they want to end Microsoft with their latest patent.
A patent that would seek to swim between two waters and so on one side would allow the classic 3.5 mm Jack to continue to be usedand on the other hand, the terminal could gain in design and space by having a free space for this type of connection. Use the 3.5mm Jack without including it?
This would be possible thanks to a design that doesn't seem to be coming to fruition, but... you never know. To be able to opt for this solution, Microsoft would have devised a system that thanks to the use of a flexible membrane located in the rear area, would allow the same port to be able to give accommodate different types of connections.
This membrane that would adapt to any type of connection adjusting to the plug that was used thanks to the flexibility it would present. In this way, a USB Type C connector could be used, as well as a 3.5 mm Jack or any other type of input so that once disconnected, the membrane would recover its original shape and the terminal would return to its flat design.
We don't know if Microsoft will bet on this type of solution for its rumored new range of mobile devices and thus continue giving life to the connection 3.5 mm jack or, on the contrary, it will follow in the footsteps of Apple and other manufacturers such as Lenovo or HTC that no longer want to know anything about our traditional headphones.
Source | MSPowerUser In Xataka Windows | Do you want to know the new phones from Microsoft? This concept, although still distant, leaves our mouths watering