Microsoft wants to end cheaters in our games and implements an anti cheating system

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Is there anything more annoying than running into a cheater in a game of our favorite game? Surely if you're a fan of games _on line_ have you ever suffered an incident of this type with a user. A fact that apart from annoying greatly, creates a bad environment in the community that ultimately affects the game and the platform on which it is used.
That's why companies try to put a stop to cheatersTo prevent them from playing dirty, causing damage that can ultimately have economic repercussions on the company that owns the affected title.And one of the latest movements to put an end to cheaters has been given by Microsoft.
And it's all been thanks to the latest big update: Windows 10 Fall Creators Update. An update in which almost without us noticing they have introduced a system called TruePlay And how can you guess, its name already makes it clear to us what this silent improvement is about that cannot be seen but is there to end the traps
TruePlay is intended to help developers catch cheaters for which the functionality runs in the background without that we realize This starts when we enter to play a game so that it monitors everything that happens during it in real time.
Seeking to end cheating
They have us controlled, yes, or at least what we do during the game and everything that happens during it. In this way if any behavior is detected that may lead one to think that some kind of _cheating_ (cheating or improper use) is being carried out, the developer of the title.
For now to be able to use this functionality, we must use one of the titles that have support for it A catalog that It is to be expected that it will expand little by little and that games like Forza Motorsport 7 or Gears Of War 4 are currently part of.
Also, for the more suspicious ones who don't want their activity monitored, or simply for the trickster on duty, TruePlay can be disabled but yes, forget to play any of the titles that use it, because it will be impossible for you.
Via | Neowin Font | vg247 In Xataka Windows | Want to upgrade to the Fall Creators Update now and don't want to wait? We teach you how to do it in a few steps