End of 2020 could be the date indicated by Microsoft to stop supporting Windows 10 Mobile

When we buy any type of device that has an operating system inside, one of our concerns refers to the deadline of the life of our brand new acquisition. And we often understand how life is, that period in which the manufacturer offers support in the form of updates A factor to take into account especially at a time like this in that the threats that want to violate the security of our devices is constant.
We have seen this cases occur in which a product ceases to receive support from the manufacturer, an abandonment that normally comes given by the desire to sell (better to sell the new than to invest time and resources in the old).Other times it is given by the time of life, although this is increasingly rare. In the case of Microsoft, we saw how this year it has ended support for different versions of Windows (Vista or Windows Phone are two examples) and we already know when it might be time to end support for its mobile operating systems Windows 10 Mobile and Windows 10 Mobile Enterprise Edition
According to WindowsBlogItalia, this date is deduced from a note from Microsoft. Both versions that were released in 2017, will have support that will extend until the end of 2020 That would be the date set for the end of support for the version that is yet to come, the one we know as the Fall Creators Update.
We will not see Redstone 3 or Redstone 4 arrive and Redstone 2 Feature 2 will be the last version that mobile terminals will enjoyThis is a maintenance version that has nothing to do with the new version of Windows for mobiles that Microsoft is working on, which we know up to now as Andromeda.
End of support means that after that date, Microsoft will no longer offer updates, online technical support, or fixes In this way our equipment will stop receiving patches, including security ones, except in exceptional cases like the ones we saw with WannaCry.
There are still three years of life, which is not bad, especially if we look at Android, but three years in which it is It is up to Microsoft to determine what quality of life it gives to its ecosystem and to the owners of a phone with Windows 10 Mobile.
It will be the swan song of a mobile operating system that has passed with more pain than glory and that will leave its place for arrival of a new bet, Andromeda, which we hope will be more successful than its predecessor.
Source | WindowsBlogItalia In Xataka Windows | Microsoft stops supporting Windows Phone 8 as of today, July 11: rest in peace