Microsoft wants Windows 10 Fall Creators Update to be an improvement to gain privacy

With the security of our computers in question after the not-so-distant threats posed by the _WannaCry_ ransomware, security companies and development companies got down to work to try to address possible existing gaps
Achieving total security is impossible, but it is possible to put the maximum obstacles to those who try to violate the established protocols And given Since Microsoft was one of the biggest victims in the last episode, it is normal that they want to focus a good part of the objectives of the Fall Creators Update on improving an aspect as sensitive as the one at hand.
And it is that Windows 10 Fall Creators Uptate will be an update that among all the news will have a large selection aimed at improving security and therefore to strengthen the privacy in our teams And aware that users and companies are increasingly paying more attention to these aspects ( although sometimes it may not seem like it), they wanted to share what are going to be some of the key points in the to focus on.
Transparency stands out in the first place and is that users will have direct access to the privacy statement from the beginning in the configuration process of our equipmentEach of the features and functions are thus intended to be fully transparent.
So when we are configuring any of the functions we can access the More information section and in it be able to check what are the permissions that said functionality hasas well as diagnostics on its operation or other aspects that are considered relevant to the user."
Similarly, all the applications that we use will have access to a series of privileges (voice recording, image recording, access to our agenda...) and in this sense there is also an improvement. We stop being passive users who only see how these applications notify that they will have access to one or another function to have a more active role.
Thus, when installing applications, both before and after, we can control in the Settings and Privacy section which are the features that a specific application can access and, if we deem appropriate, deny them that privilege. Something similar to what can already be done on iOS and Android"
And at the enterprise level there will also be improvements, as Fall Creator Update includes a new setting that limits diagnostic data to the minimum required by Windows Analytics In this way, the impact of collecting data regarding IT (Information Technology) in a company is reduced.
It will be on October 17th when we will be able to find out all the improvements included in the great update of Windows 10, which will be released to the general publicwhile the rings are already beginning to savor the first bites of Redstone 4.
In Xataka Windows | Microsoft decides to prevent another potential WannaCry by disabling the SMBv1 protocol in Fall Creators Update