This is how good the expected Windows 10 adaptive interface looks and that it could come with new phones

We have been talking about an adaptive interface in Windows 10 for a long time. An idea that Redmond wants to carry out so that the system adapt the system interface to any device that can run it, regardless of aspect ratio or screen resolution.
It is basically about ending the changes in the elements that we can find in Microsoft Teams through this adaptive interface. It doesn't matter if the application is run on the 8-inch tablet or 5-inch mobile phone and the one they are working on on the computer within the Microsoft Operating Systems Group.An interface called the Composable Shell.
And it is that until now we only had the idea, the concept of what they wanted, Now we know what the final result could beAnd that is something that we can see in the video that appears under these lines that the colleagues of Windows Central have published.
A video in which using an HP Elite x3 we can see in action the expected Windows 10 Adaptive Interface From this This way we see how this new design allows the same functions that the system offers on a PC to be executed on the HP smartphone. Options among which we find the change of size in the tiles or the change of orientation on the screen.
We see how the Windows Composable Shell team after development has achieved that, despite being a very preliminary version of said interface, the whole moves with great fluidity , even in configurations where different windows are used or when the equipment is working in Continuum mode connected to a screen.
"Regarding the doubt that may surely assail many, will we see this interface on current phones? We would like that, but if we look at the statements we have read about totally revolutionary new devices, we are very much afraid that this development will be limited for these new releases, although that is something whose confirmation we will still have to wait for. "
Via | Windows Central In Xataka Windows | Microsoft surprises with a Windows 10 that would be traced to all devices thanks to an adaptive interface