Surface Peking and Surface Slavonia are the leaked names that could indicate the arrival of new terminals from Redmond

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Do you want to see new phones under the Windows label? Well, for now things are complicated but despite what many of us fear, Microsoft may have plans in the not very long term to try to breathe life into their impoverished mobile ecosystem .
And we have already heard on several occasions about a new family of revolutionary devices that will have nothing to do with the concept that we have today about mobile devices. Some statements that look very good but which until now lacked substance because we had no additional information.And in that they go to Microsoft China and comment on a slip…
And it is that since the division of the American company in the Asian country they have made a slip (intentional or not) and have let slip a name, a concept, a password: Microsoft Surface Mobile . And this information leak has been echoed on Bilibili, a video channel in which one has been made public in which information like the one that appears in the image can be seen."
A video that also provides more information, because in the part corresponding to the description a text appears, let's say… enlightening?
Surface Slavonia and Surface Peking
In addition, fellow Microsoft Insiders have another screenshot with additional information also coming from Microsoft China. A leak indicating that something is moving beneath the still waters that run in Redmomd.
"Two new devices? They could be the expected, in this case expected, Surface Phone, right? But it also speaks in a way that under the name ONTO TABLE refers to Continuum and a new environment relating everything to new SurfacePen."
"Based on this information, it seems that An interesting and eventful future awaits Microsoft and that despite what many of us thought, it could who have not yet thrown in the towel with the dolly. That they are just taking a break, something that we were able to confirm yesterday with the leak of the new adaptive interface, Composable Shell."
"Via | WinCentral In Xataka Windows | According to Rudy Huyn, the Surface Phone would be a totally innovative pocket device"