Are you a member of the Microsoft Insider Program? So don't install updates this week

One of the advantages of the Microsoft Insider Program is that of offering users access before anyone else to try out new features that later they will reach the general public with the regular updates. A system to which, as we already mentioned, it is very easy to belong.
A method that differentiates between different rings (zones) in which it distributes more or less polished versions (depending on the risk we want to assume, we will choose one or the other) of its operating system. Previous versions that are not exempt from failures although they have gone through all the basic internal testsHowever, what happened this week has overwhelmed Microsoft and not for the better.
And it is that among the compilations that Redmond had prepared within its Insider Program in the fast ring there were versions for PC and mobile phones. A few builds intended for users who ran into a major problem by incorrectly receiving updates that were still supposed to be within the development branchand therefore should not have come to light.
So Windows 10 PC users can receive build _edge_case.170531-2234 while Windows 10 users Mobile can receive build 10.0.16212.1001 (rs_iot.170531-1800) Two updates that should not be installed as warned by Tom Warren, editor of The Verge on Twitter.
And this is not something that we made up, but that has caused Dona Sarkar herself to warn through her Twitter account that there will be no updates this week due to the severity of the error that occurred.
And it is that it is not known what could have been the error that has taken place in the distribution system of compilations, but it has It has been serious because the users who have received some of these builds have been able to see the integrity of their equipment compromised
From Redmond they have gotten down to work to solve this problem and provide a solution to users who may have been affected by this situation. Meanwhile, the company recommends that the best option for affected users is to use the Windows Device Recovery Tool to return to a stable build and later re-integrate your account within the Insider Program.
Via | Twitter More information | Windows Blog In Xataka Windows | We tell you how to receive Builds within the Insider Program