Microsoft's other goal is the Internet of Things (IoT) and again Windows 10 has a lot to say

Microsoft&39;s BUILD 2017 continues to raise eyebrows and overcome news such as the Wanna Cry virus cyberattack, from Redmond they continue to arrive News about one of the pillars in which the company has the most hope We are talking about the Internet of Things or IoT "
And the thing is that Windows 10 Mobile seems abandoned to its fate, since Microsoft's goal seems to be focused above all on developing applications and strengthening its presence on other platformsas well as leveraging insights from Windows 10 Mobile to enhance x86 applications on ARM processors.In this way, together with virtual reality, another of the objectives is the Internet of Things and in this field we have received good news.
News such as the compatibility of this type of environment with Intel Cherrytrail and Braswell processors, in ways that we can find Windows 10 IoT on Intel Core, Pentium, Celeron and Atom processorsThis possibility is the result of the agreement reached by Microsoft and Intel, which was announced at the Microsoft event.
The use of Windows 10 IoT in conjunction with the cloud therefore raises the need to work with Azure in order to provide opportunities for developers to build secure solutionsand scalable from different devices to the cloud.
We hope to see little by little solutions of this type begin to appear that make use of this combination of factors (IoT, Windows 10 IoT and Azure) to find out what the real options they offer may be and if they really offer a valid alternative that manages to get through among users.
Via | Windows Blog