Microsoft Fluent Design System offers a wonderful design but did they learn in Redmond from Aero and its failures?

Microsoft Fluent Design System has finally renamed Project Neon, an aesthetic update that can already be seen view in applications such as Groove Music and Movies and TV thanks to the updates received by Quick Ring users within the Insider Program.
We are facing a redesign of the prevailing aesthetics that will affect both the operating system itself and the applications and services that we can use within Windows 10A change that goes beyond a simple aesthetic evolution and that can manifest itself in the form of a worsening of performance in older equipment.
It is about updating Windows 10 and giving value to its own applications compared to those developed by third parties. An aesthetic improvement that is based above all on the use of improved animations, menu movements and massive use of transparency. The truth is that the aesthetic improvement is remarkable.
But this leaves us with a doubt that is also justified by a memory from the past: Aero. A beautiful interface in Windows Vista that almost all users disabled due to the consumption of resources that it entailed. In this way and with the fear that what happened at that time could be almost traced, the question is inevitable. If our team has limited time or _hardware_, Can Fluent Design spoil the user experience in Windows 10 on less powerful computers?
Let's hope that with the Fall Creators Update (previously known as Redstone 3) at Microsoft they have learned their lesson and have managed to optimize the improvements so that they are not excessive consumption of resourcesThat the mistakes of the past are not repeated and that they do well to play with a lower graphical load or in the worst case stay in the Creators Update or change teams.
Therefore, we have no choice but to wait until the end of the year to see what happens and meanwhile trying with the pertinent Builds how Microsoft Fluent Design System works on older computers.
In Xataka Windows | We tell you how to receive Windows 10 PC and Windows 10 Mobile Builds In Genbeta | What we like and what we don't like about Fluent Design, the new and promising design language for Windows 10