
Microsoft is committed to a Windows 10 created specifically to once again have a presence in Chinese organizations and companies


China is a country with very special characteristics. What may be the great world economy in a few years hidden under its apparent layer of openness one of the most opaque and oppressive regimes in the world in many respects. It is the idiosyncrasy of a country that opens up to the wildest consumerism while under that layer of capitalism it maintains a totally antagonistic structure.

And the technological field is not exempt from these peculiarities either.We have seen how there are platforms to which users do not have free access in the red giant. This is the case of Facebook, Twitter or YouTube. While other companies have traditionally had expensive access to the Chinese market and that is what happens to Microsoft and what they are now trying to remedy.

Microsoft arrived in the Asian country with Windows XP, a tremendously successful system but one that was not well received by the authorities who tried to create it a clone based on Linux that, everything is said, was not very successful. Thus, Windows XP continued to circulate in a massive way, even if it was in the form of pirated copies.

The jug of cold water for those from Redmond came with Windows 8, an operating system that was banned for use on computers used in official centers due to alleged security breaches it had.Since then, the presence of Microsoft in the Asian country, at least with the approval of the authorities, had been at a minimum.

And that is something that could change if the agreement between Microsoft and China Electronic Technology Group, a network owned by the government and which seeks to create _software_ for use in the Chinese bureaucratic apparatus. It is an agreement through which they seek to create a version of Windows 10 that can be used without problem in the Chinese market, especially in government agencies.

It is expected that through this agreement and with the creation of an adapted Windows 10 through special functions and adjustments, Microsoft will once again have a significant presence with its teams within Chinese government bodies and that the same thing happens with companies, work environments in which until now the use of Windows 10 is prohibited.

The Chinese authorities are trying to avoid any type of espionage and security problems, especially when Microsoft is an American company , the country that is most strongly opposed to China's role as world leader. And of course, suspicions can be on the surface. Who said back doors?

It will remain to be known and that will not be an easy task, what are the modifications in the code that have been added since Redmond and what can be the darkest parts that they have had to create as a toll in order to relaunch their presence among Chinese citizens.

It is not known when Windows 10 will be available to all Chinese government computers and companies, which will require oversight by a state agencyto be in charge of overseeing the code of this very special version of Windows 10.

Via | Ars


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