The autonomy of our teams
When we use a portable device, the one that does not require a permanent electrical connection to the network, we are almost certainly going to face a handicap such as autonomy. Whether mobile phones, tablets, laptops... and so on, all find their particular Achilles heel in the autonomy of their batteries
Brands are constantly working to improve this section and since the space to use batteries is increasingly reduced and the evolution of It is not as intense as that of other components, the best solution is to reduce the energy consumption of the equipment, either with less gluttonous components or with a more optimized _software_.
And in this sense Microsoft is working with a new patent in which based on the use of the screen it tries to save in consumption battery of our devices. Not surprisingly, the screen is one of the sections that consumes the most energy.
Basically it's about changing the screen resolution automatically according to the distance we are, for which would use ultrasound or even the IR camera combined with a series of algorithms that would establish the most appropriate resolution to show us the content.
The greater the distance, the lower the resolution
In this way if we are further away we would not need a resolution that is too high Let's say, for example, a _smartphone_ with a 2K screen, a resolution that it could become HD (720p) in certain contents and at a greater distance while, for example, it would become 1080p if we bring it closer to us.Something that may remind many of a pictorial technique such as Fauvism (Fovism), which made use of rough touches that do not seem to mean anything up close but that take shape when seen from a greater distance.
This automatic resolution modification would mean less battery consumption and therefore an increase in the autonomy of our device , be it phone, tablet, laptop…
For now it is a patent that Microsoft has filed but don't think that it is something very far away. The Beta that circulates for the Samsung Galaxy S7 is an example with Android Nougat that allows changing the screen resolution depending on the application that we use so that this patent would be a new step in the same path that automating the task would allow for greater ease of use and lower consumption.
Now it remains to be seen when it is embodied in a new product, if it finally becomes a reality.And it is that the fact of launching a patent does not mean that they are going to start applying it, but in many cases it is a preventive measure to prevent other brands from being able to get ahead with said concept.
Via | Winbuzzer In Xataka | To what extent can we see a very high resolution of the TV according to our biological limitations?