
Do you want to learn how to use the System Console? These commands can help you in your first steps

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It must be recognized that this is not an option that most users have access to. They don&39;t do it in Windows or Mac. We&39;re talking about the System Console in Windows or the Terminal in macOS. Access to operating system functions that requires specific knowledge."


And it is that to interact with the System Console we are not going to use the mouse and instead we will have to pull the keyboard and commands. A series of instructions that may be unknown to many, so here we are going to review the most important ones, either if you want to start testing the possibilities of this form of interaction with the PC or if you have forgotten them."


Once inside Windows we access the System Console and for this we must go to the Start Menu and in the dialog box we write the CMD command. A window opens with a warning about whether we want to enter Normal Mode or Administrator Mode"

Commands for almost everything

  • CD It is the main one, the most basic among the basic ones. It is used to change the directory with the cd structure to go to the specific directory or folder that we mark.
  • CD.. We add a colon and in this way we can exit a folder and go to the top level or system folder.
  • CHKDSK It is used to analyze the hard disk and thus detect possible failures. The goal is to check the logical structure of the file system and repair any errors.
  • VER It is used to know the version number of our operating system.
  • CONTROL PANEL It is used to facilitate access to the Windows Control Panel, saving time by not having to use the mouse in several _clicks_.
  • GETMAC This command displays the MAC address of your computer.
  • DIR This command is used for the system to show us the contents of the folder in which we are.

  • IPCONFIG It is used to access information related to the network connection. Displays information about the IP address, subnet mask, or default gateway.

  • RENAME FILE This command allows you to change the name of the file and can even change the extension, something that, however, can cause malfunctions in an app.
  • MD FOLDERNAME It is used to create a folder with the name that we indicate.
  • TREE FOLDER It is used to show the directory tree of a folder that we indicate.

  • SYSTEMINFO With this command we can obtain information about our computer or system (processor, RAM, storage capacity, equipment name... )
  • CLS If we have written different commands and it no longer works, we can clean the screen by deleting everything that has been written on it with this command.
  • "
  • EXIT Used to close the System Console window and exit the utility."
  • HELP If you need help this is your command. Displays all the commands that are available.
  • COPY DESTINATION FILE Allows you to copy a file to another folder that you specify. This is its structure.
  • FROM THE FILE OR FOLDER As its name implies, this command deletes the file or folder that we marked.
  • MOVE DESTINATION FILE Moves a file to the place we indicate, leaving the previous location free.
  • WINSAT FORMAL It is used to analyze the performance of the equipment and all its components (CPU, RAM memory, graphics card or storage units) .
  • DEFRAG Starts defragmentation of the hard disk, the same as the Windows utility.
  • DISKPART It is used to obtain a list of disks or volumes on the computer. It is used with the LIST DISK or LIST VOLUME commands.
  • SHUTDOWN It is used to shut down the computer directly from the Windows command console.
  • SHUTDOWN -R It is similar to the previous one, only it is used to restart the computer.
  • LOGOFF This command is used to close the session of the user that we have active on the computer.
  • FORMAT Basic and dangerous command used to format the drive.

They are not all, but they are the most common commands, the basic ones that we must take into account when interacting with the System Console."


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