
Changing the language in which our Windows 10 PC is displayed is very easy just by following these steps


Okay, it's not very common, but at some point you may be interested in changing the language with which you work in Windows 10. In this way, all the content that appears on our computer would switch to the selected language.

Windows 10 offers the option to install a new language or download it, if we don't already have it on our computer, and configure it for screen writing, performing the process is very simple just by following these steps.


First of all we must go to the Configuration section for which the ideal and fastest step is to _click_ on the gear wheel located in the lower left area of ​​the screen."


Once inside we will look for the section Time and Language in which we will focus on the option we are looking for. Change the language on our team."


To do this we will navigate through the column on the left until we locate the option Region and language on which we will _click_ to display a new menu on the main screen."


Once inside we must look for the Language section and click on the language that we want to establish as the base for Windows 10 within Languages ​​to display Windows ."


At this point we may not have it installed and in that case it does not offer us that option, so we will have to make use of the possibility of Add a new language ."


Just at the bottom of the menu Region and language, we will see a button with the title Add a language with the + symbol. We enter and see a large list of languages ​​to select from which we mark the chosen one and the usage options we want (Language, Text to speech, Voice recognition and Handwriting)."


The download process may take a few seconds and once it is finished you can mark that language again in Windows display languages so that be the default of Windows 10 and both the operating system and the applications that support it, use it."

Image | Jakubmarian


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