Do you want to access basic information about your computer and don't know how? Try this simple command
There are many occasions when we look for certain information about our team. Data referring to the operating system, its version, manufacturer, Windows directory, BIOS version… and although from the System section in Configuration we can access some of these data, on other occasions these may be insufficient."
This however does not represent a big obstacle since thanks to the command line we have access to a very easy way to access a large amount of information A single word that saves us from having to navigate through the different Windows menus.
A single command to access a good part of the information of the system and for this we only have to access the Command Console of Windows and type CMD taking into account giving administrator permissions."
At that moment a small window opens asking us if we want our actions to affect changes in the system. We say yes and the command window appears in whichwe write the word systeminfo (without the quotes)."
In this way we can have access to information of all kinds that appears in the form of a list (I have divided it into two screens). Thus we have as an example:
- Host Name (Host Name)
- Operating System Name (OS Name)
- Operating System Version (OS Version)
- Operating System Manufacturer (OS Manufacturer)
- Operating System Configuration (OS Configuration)
- Type of OS Build Type
- Owner (Registered Owner)
- Organization (Registered Organization)
- Product ID (Product ID)
- Original Install Date (Original Install Date)
- Date and time of last boot (System Boot Time)
- Manufacturer (System Manufacturer)
- Model (System Model)
- System type (System type)
- Processor (Processor)
- BIOS Version (BIOS Version)
- Windows Directory (Windows Directory)
- System Directory (System Directory)
- Boot Device (Boot Device)
- Region, Time, and Language Settings (Time Zone, System Locale, Input Locale)
- Total virtual memory, available, used… (Total Physical Memory)
- Paging File Path (Page File Location)
- Domain (Domain)
- Logon server (Logon server)
- Security patches (Hotfix)
- Various Network Data (Network Cards)
A trick you may not have known about that have access to much of the system information at a glance and without having to navigate through the different system options.