We tell you how to remove McAfee from your Windows 10 computer with this application

or you can deny it… McAfee, the default antivirus that for a long time has come pre-installed on Windows computers (Norton is the other emblem in this sense) is one of the programs that you tend to eliminate at first, especially when you are already a user of another antivirus, since this duality can give rise to a good number of errors and problems in our computer.
Although it usually comes with a free trial period for a certain period of time, I have met hardly anyone who uses it and questions to know how to uninstall it are commonby acquaintances and relatives, especially because they are already users of another antivirus, free or not.
Until now, removing a program in Windows is not complicated, because just use Programs and Features in the Control Panel to uninstall programs or to add or remove certain options to change a program's settings.
But sometimes the antivirus can cause problems and if this is your home when trying to remove McAfee we are going to propose an option to remove it of your system easily and quickly.
To achieve this we are going to use a free application called McAfee Consumer Products Removal Tool (hereinafter, MCPR) which, as its name indicates It is also developed by McAfee and it will allow us to eliminate the antivirus if its existence becomes a problem rather than a solution.
Once MCPR is installed we just have to start the program, yes, always watching to give it administrator privileges and once executed, it will it initiates a process that in just a few moments will have eliminated McAfee from our system, also deleting any trace it might have left while it was running.
In addition, with MCPR we will be able to eliminate, not only McAfee Antivirus from our system, but also we will be able to act in the same way with any product of the same brand .
A curiosity that can be useful above all to combat the particular difficulty that uninstalling an antivirus can sometimes cause of an antivirus by itself idiosyncrasy of the functions that this type of program has entrusted in the search for and fight against viruses is infections.
Download | McAfee Consumer Products Removal Tool