With Redstone from Microsoft they want to make installing applications even easier

Redstone is the name of the next big update from Microsoft, an update that will arrive for both PC and mobile devices and which, as we have already mentioned many times, aims to bring a good number of new features and improvements to Windows 10.
And to everything that we have already said and commented, now we add a new fact and it is that apparently among all the additions and corrections those from Redmond are also going to show interest in Improve the process of downloading and updating applications, which is already quite successful.
With the new system, Microsoft seeks to optimize the use of data when downloading the update. Let's imagine we have a game like Disney Crossy Road and an update arrives. What currently happens is that the game is completely downloaded, consuming more megabytes in the download (very valuable if we do it via data) and time.
With the new system they have opted for a more intelligent solution, which is that if we already have part of the data installed and it is going to be useful, we only have to download the ones that are deem necessary Thus, instead of downloading 45 megabytes, for example, it can be reduced to a much smaller amount. And all this, as always, automatically, so the user will only notice a shorter download time.
Improvements also in the control of already installed applications
And along with the improvement in the application update process, the user will also have more control over installed applications and their extra content, so that with the arrival of Redstone we will be able to uninstall the updates
This is of interest especially in the case of updates that worsen the operation of the application or directly make it not work, so that by removing the update the app would recover the usual operation An option that is not yet available, because in similar cases we have no choice but to uninstall the specific application.
If you are a member of the Insider program you already know what we are talking about and otherwise you just have to wait for Microsoft to get excited to release in not too long this powerful update that promises, on paper, enough incentives to want to try it now.
Via | MSPowerUser