Control your Windows PC from your Android or iOS device

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I've been testing an application for a few days to control turning on the Mac by using the fingerprint on the mobile and curiosity made me think, can there be an application to control the PC under Windows from the mobile? The answer is yes and its name is Splashtop Remote Desktop.
Thanks to this application we will be able to control our PC from a smartphone that works under iOS or Android (it is also compatible with MAC) so that we can access its functions without having to sit next to it.Let's see how it works.
The first step is to find and download Splashtop Remote Desktop either from Google Play if we are using an Android device or from the App Store if we work with an iOS terminal and install it on our phone. It is a very light application, as it only weighs about 3 MB and is priced at 3.75 euros (4.99 on iOS), somewhat expensive , everything must be said, but I have encouraged myself to try it and if you are not convinced you can return it.
The second step is install the application on your computer, for which we go to the official Splashtop website and after selecting the system corresponding operating system and the version depending on the use, we proceed with the installation.
We started using Splashtop Remote Desktop
We have already installed Splashtop Remote Desktop on the phone and the computer and the first thing we will do is open the application from the PC to proceed to configure the accountwith our email and a password. Then we give our equipment a name and the application will give us an IP to identify it within the utility.
The next step once the account is configured is enter Splashtop Remote Desktop but in this case from our phone, at which time We are going to enter the IP that the application has previously provided us in order to access the equipment.
The only requirement is that both computers must be working under the same Wi-Fi network, although it can also work in the case of use of 3G/4G networks, something that I have not tried.
"We have already taken all the steps and we can play from the smartphone or tablet>open the browser, used the file explorer, seen our photos… all the tasks as if we were in front of us from our screen."
In this way, let's imagine that we are facing a public intervention and we want to control, for example, the reproduction of a video, a PowerPoint presentation or show a study that we have carried out, so that we can carry out all these tasks from another point of the room and without having to be present next to our computer.
The but that some users can put is the price to pay, but everything depends on the use that each one is going to give to a utilityThus, if you are really going to take advantage of your daily activity, the cost of 3.75 euros is not high at all.In addition, there are other versions such as one designed to make use of HD resolutions, in which case the price amounts to 7.39 euros.