How to Restore Windows 7/8 Volume Changer in Windows 10

Windows 10 has meant a advance compared to Windows 8 and Windows 7 in many aspects. However, there is one feature in particular that some users feel has been regressed: the interface to change system volume In Windows 7/8 it was quickly accessible to a volume mixer that allowed you to adjust the volume specific to each app and each device, whereas the volume changer in Windows 10 is simpler and more limited.
Thankfully, the old volume mixer is still there in Windows 10, it's just a little more hidden, and with a couple of clicks we can access it again, and it is even possible to modify the Windows 10 registry so that it becomes the default volume changer.Let's see how.
"We can access the old volume changer by right-clicking on the volume icon on the taskbar (or by holding your finger down and then releasing it, if you&39;re using a touch screen), and then selecting theoption Open Volume Mixer."
It&39;s quite easy, but if we want to make the Windows 10 volume changer disappear forever, and replace it with the Windows 7 one, then edit the registry Windows. To do this, press the Start button, type regedit>"
HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\Software\Microsoft\Windows NT\CurrentVersion\MTCUVC
The last key in the path, the folder name MTCUVC, may not exist. If that is the case, we must create it inside the CurrentVersion folder. This can be done by going to menu Edit > New > Password.
Once inside the MTCUVC key, you need to create a new 32-bit DWORD value of name EnableMtcUvc (this can also be done from the Edit menu), and leave its value at zero. The end result should be something like this:
Finally, all that remains is to restart the session, and with that Windows 10 will show the old volume changer every time we click on the audio icon.
Via | Winaero