Android applications reach Windows 11 in a timid way but with this system you can install almost any app on your PC

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With the announcement of Windows 11, the most striking and impactful news is that Android apps could run on Redmond's operating system. Something possible thanks to the agreement with Amazon for downloading from the App Store. Windows 11 arrived in the test version and in the global version and yet there was no trace of Android applications… until now
After some indications that pointed to its early arrival, Microsoft announced a few hours ago the arrival of Android applications to Windows 11.A limited deployment for now, since only US users with access to the Windows Insider program and with very few applications available... at least officially, because there is a system that allows you to install almost any app from Android
Android apps coming to Windows 11
The applications for Android will be downloaded through the Amazon App Store, apps that include everything from basic games to sophisticated productivity suites, including tools and social networks. Right now and officially there are only 50 applications available, but Microsoft explains that new applications will be arriving as they verify how the system works.
To make these applications work, Microsoft introduces Windows Subsystem for Android, which includes the Linux kernel and Android Open Source Project (AOSP ) in its version 11.This code will be distributed through the Amazon AppStore and is through which support will be offered for the different APIs of Android apps.
You can install any of the 50 applications available through the Amazon App Store, although MSPU has detailed a system by which you can download any Android application on Windows 11.
- The first thing to do is to enable Windows Subsystem for Android on the Windows 11 PC that we want to use and then go to the Android Platform SDK Tools page. "
- You have to download and extract by clicking on Download SDK Platform-Tools for Windows, start the Windows Subsystem for Android and enable Developer mode ."
- Write down the IP address that is displayed in the Windows Subsystem for Android. If the IP address does not appear, we must click Update. "
- Now, start Terminal and navigate to the extracted SDK Platform Tools folder that was downloaded."
- Download the APK that interests us from the Internet and save it in the SDK Platform Tools folder.
- In Terminal, enter the following command using the IP address we noted earlier: . \adb.exe connect
- Once the connection is active, use the following command to install the downloaded APK. . \ adb.exe install ' apkname.apk '
- Once the installation is successful, you can see the installation application in the Start menu.
Of course, not all Android APKs will work on Windows 11, as some of them require Google Services and for they are not available now.
More information | Microsoft