
Is your PC or mobile phone running slow? these three categories of utilities are the queens of crapware on your computer

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When you buy a new computer, be it _smartphone_, tablet or PC, everything goes smoothly. A pristine operating system for both Android and Windows, which offers a result that seems bombproof. We are very happy… or so it seems. Fast, efficient, agile menus... but wait what are those installed applications?

There are many times when our team comes up with a nice easter egg in the form of PUAs. Those apps that you never use and that in the long run only consume resources in the form of storage capacity and sometimes even processing.Programs that it is better to uninstall from our computer, at least as far as possible. It is the crapware, a series of applications that we have not requested and that pollute the user experience from the first moment

Then it's time to clean up our hard drive. We are going to eliminate a series of programs and utilities that, far from fulfilling what they promise in many cases, only hinder and slow down the operation of the system To whom It has not happened to him that he has come across a version of an antivirus, McAfee and Norton are classics, when we already have the one offered by Windows…

But let's take it easy, because before cleaning you have to reconsider. Our team comes loaded with crapware or what is the same, _bloatware_, but some of these functions may add value. It is not about erasing like crazy, so you have to study case by case.However there are three categories whose apps have many numbers to be removed from our system.



We are faced with a type of complement that if we think about it coldly is useless One of the best known is Ask and although it is not you have asked to install it, it is easy for it to be attached to your computer hidden in one of those tabs that we click instinctively when installing a program."

Firstly, we must read everything that appears on the screen instead of pressing keys like crazy and secondly, if you have already fallen victim to one of these add-ons, what you should do is uninstall it. With the browser bar you use and its extensions, you are more than enough

In addition, on many occasions having this type of add-on can cause us to receive unwanted in the form of banners or that suddenly our browser starts on pages that we have not pinned.In the case other than Ask, the uninstall process must follow a series of steps to be effective.

System Cleaners

Nothing better than keeping your hard drive tidy with files and programs. Be wary of programs that promise to organize your files and programs on your hard drive, because in the end the cure may be worse than the disease.

The best known and most reliable is CCleaner, and even then, it is not necessary. In fact, if you ever need to use it, you can install it and delete it once you no longer need it. In general, these types of applications are a entry door for all types of threats Beware.

Factory applications

If you have bought a PC you will see how when you take it out of the box and start using it, it already comes with a series of applications that you have neither installed nor are they typical of Windows. All brands install utilities that in most cases only the name is useful

Hands up someone who regularly uses any of these functions. It is something similar to what happens with Android _stock_ and the one installed by manufacturers. Crapware to the fullest, don't miss it.

Software and applications that come pre-installed with the computer and that in many cases what they do is cause a worse performance of the equipment. You may not notice it when newly released, but over time they will let you know that they are there.

Of course, when it comes to killing them you must do so with cautionYou have to make sure that they do not present any conflict if we uninstall them and that you have a backup copy of the system just in case. In addition, the uninstallation must be carried out correctly, either by following the usual steps enabled in Windows and that we all know, or by using the _unistall_ option if the application offers it.

In addition, there are some free utilities on the market such as Revo Uninstaller or PC Decrapifier that can help us eliminate those pre-installed programs that we have never installed before. required.

These are three categories of applications that should not be installed on any computer. The choice to end them is always in the hands of the user. Surely by having a clean system you will notice a much more optimized performance.


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