
Microsoft sticks out its chest and boasts of the security and expansion achieved with Windows Defender

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With security in computer equipment as a flag to be displayed today in the face of growing threats, at Microsoft they have an effective and very popular tool such as Windows Defender. A way to protect your computer from external threats without having to resort to third-party applications.

A solution that has become very popular, especially in business environments. This is due to the great presence of Windows in this segment with Windows 10 that little by little is eating away at Windows 7, so much so that already has more than 50% of the market in companies of all size and condition

The figures speak of a Windows Defender present in more than 50% of devices with Windows 10, figures that, although falling, are still present in computers with Windows 7 and Windows 8, where this solution remains at 18% market share.

These numbers refer to the great task that Microsoft has carried out with Windows Defender, an increasingly efficient system that means that users do not have to necessarily choose to use an external application . In fact, and according to the American company, only Microsoft and Windows Defender have managed to block 100% of attacks

So it has been Brad Anderson, corporate vice president of Enterprise Mobility Security at Microsoft, who in a publication has established what the main reasons behind these may be the success of Windows DefenderA success that can be summarized in four points:

  • Windows Defender's antivirus capabilities are really good The above test results really speak for themselves. With five months of peak scores that beat some of our top competitors, our solution can protect you from the most advanced threats.
  • our solution is easier and operationally cheaper to maintain than others Most enterprise customers use Config Manager for administration of PC security features of Windows 7 and Windows 10, including antivirus. With Windows 10, antivirus capabilities are built right into the operating system, and there's nothing to implement. Windows 7 did not include antivirus capabilities by default, but they can be implemented and configured in Settings Manager.Now organizations do not have to maintain two infrastructures, one for PC management and one for antivirus.
  • Windows Defender solution is more agile In Windows 10 security is built into the platform. When a new Windows 10 update is released, there is no need to wait for a third party to certify it. Full support and compatibility is offered from day one. This means that new versions of Windows and all the latest security technologies can be deployed faster. This allows you to catch up, stay current, and be more secure.
  • Windows Defender offers a better user experience. It is designed to work behind the scenes in a way that does not disturb end users and minimizes power consumption.

Works both with the cloud and in _offline mode

He also states that they have designed their antivirus so that works in both online and _offline_ scenarios so that when we are connected to the cloud , receives information in real time to protect our equipment while for offline scenarios, Artificial Intelligence is responsible for protecting the system against threats.

This has resulted in that from March 2015 the points achieved in AV-TEST began to increase rapidly and over the course of the following five months reached achieve an average of 85% on their prevalence test.

In this sense, it is essential to use a model that uses predictive technologies, machine learning, applied science and artificial intelligence to detect and stop _malware_ before it can affect the system.

In Xataka Windows | Microsoft is working on a system to tackle the threat of malware based on the use of artificial intelligence


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