Don't want to hear from Cortana? We explain how you can disable Cortana in Windows 10

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We have spoken here and in Xataka SmartHome on many occasions about the increasingly important presence of personal assistants in our lives. Loudspeakers, televisions, sound equipment... more and more support this type of solution that originated in computers and mobile phones
A silent invasion that may not convince everyone equally, so in that case they prefer to stop using Siri, Alexa, Google Assistant or Cortana to give some examples.Behind these doubts there may be an infinite number of personal reasons and although in some cases avoiding its use is easy (for example, a television), the same is not the case in other devices where its presence is more intrusive. And as we talk about Windows we are going to see how you can limit the presence of Cortana on your computer if its use does not convince you
First of all note that Cortana comes loaded on your computer if you use Windows 10 so no, you don't have to download anything: the gift already comes from the factory. But of course, if you are not convinced, you can limit its use in three ways. The first two soft, somewhat _soft_ and the third more aggressive and also less recommended. But let's go by parts.
Hiding Cortana
First of all what we are looking for is to make Cortana not work, although it is still installed and for this the system is very simple .
We just have to go to the taskbar in the lower left area and open Cortana, for which just write the word.
Once inside, we must click on the Settings icon, the one with the gear wheel and once inside, look for and deactivate the box where it says Cortana can give you suggestions, ideas…"
We have already taken the first steps and we are left with this remove Cortana from the taskbar. To do this we are going to go down to the space for Cortana and to the right of the search box we look for the microphone icon.
We click with the right mouse button on said icon and a drop-down menu appears in which we have to mark the Hidden option. At that moment the icon disappears and we will only see the space allocated for typed searches."
Total Delete
However, the steps above are gentle, easily reversed, and some users may want to kill off Cortana drastically It's not the most advisable option, especially if you don't know where you are touching, but if this is still your case, there is a way to eliminate Cortana entirely.
The first step is to access Regedit, for which the ideal is to write the word in the search bar. A small window opens with a warning message alerting us to the danger of touching where we shouldn&39;t. Be careful if we are big hands."
But how brave we are and we know what we are doing, we continue. Once in the Regedit window we must navigate through the side menu of folders until we reach the following directory: HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Policies\ Microsoft\Windows\WcmSvc We must open each of the folders."
We then enter the final folder HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Policies\Microsoft\Windows\WcmSvc that we must create if it does not exist. "
Once created, place yourself on it and click with the right mouse button, choosing the options New and Clue."
We call the new folder WindowsSearch."
Once the WindowsSearch folder is created, we select it and with the right mouse button click to open the new menu in which we must select New again and then the option DWORD (32 bits)In the box we must write AllowCortana and then give it the value 0."
We're done and all that remains is to restart the computer so that when Cortana starts up it will be inactive.