Don't want to use Word? These alternatives can be a more than interesting option that will allow you to save a few euros

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A few days ago we learned some formulas to make the most of the Microsoft Word word processor. Specifically, there were 47 keyboard shortcuts to prevent us from looking up from the keyboard (or the screen) and thus save us a few valuable minutes. But what if we don't want to use Word?
There are alternatives on the market that we can avoid having to go through the cash register, a very interesting option for those who are going to make a sporadic use of Microsoft Word and therefore it is not interesting for us to have to make a payment or subscribe to a regular Office 365 subscription.That is why we have selected a series of free alternatives to Microsoft Word that allows us to save money.
LibreOffice Writer
The first option is Writer, integrated into the LibreOffice suite. A classic among the classics that comes to be one of the best alternatives to Microsoft Office. An open source utility and what is most important, free.
Writer is a cross-platform utility (it's available for Linux, Mac, and Windows) and comes within LibreOffice. It even has a Portable version, which does not require installation. A utility that in short offers many of the functions of Word and is also compatible with documents created in the Microsoft processor.
Download | LibreOffice
Google Docs
The second on the list is Google Docs. Google's _online_ option and therefore does not require installation, can be an interesting alternative. It is a text editor integrated into Google Drive accessible on the web with our Gmail account
It offers fewer options than LibreOffice or Word, but it can get us out of trouble, since it integrates the basic options that every user does not intensive can demand. In addition, it offers a Chrome extension that allows you to edit documents without being connected to the network.
Access | Google Docs
WPS Writer
Hand in hand with WPS Office comes WPS WriterAnother cross-platform text editor (it is available for Windows, Linux, Android and iOS). It allows free access, but also paid access, through the free, premium and professional options. And of the three, the free one is the one that interests us.
WPS Writer looks very similar to Microsoft Word, so if you're coming from it, the learning curve won't be steep . A utility that is compatible with the most popular text editing formats and that in its free version offers the basic tools that many users are looking for.
Download | WPS Writer
AbiWord is like LibreOffice, another open source alternative. It is available for Linux and Windows and offers a light version of what Microsoft Word is. The options in this case are scarcer and for some it may be too basic.
It is compatible with all text formats, so we won't have problems opening a word file, although with heavy documents we may have problems when opening them.
Download | AbiWord
Word Online
We finish the review with the _online_ edition of Word To be able to use it, we will only need to log in with a Microsoft account (hotmail, outlook, lives, etc). A less powerful option than the Word that we know but that benefits from an almost traced interface avoiding having to learn how to use it.
Offers less potential, although it's enough to get us through in a pinch where we don't have access to a data processor texts installed on our computer.An alternative that nevertheless suffers from problems such as speed when opening large documents.
Word Online Access | Word Online
Cover Image | Devanath