adds HD images to its backgrounds and adds Office Online to the top charms bar

One of the great attractions of the home page are the stunning images that your team selects daily as backgrounds . To put a hit on them, this was its low resolution and the inappropriate format for large screens. But all that has just been fixed.
If before we liked the detail of the beautiful images welcoming us, now we will enjoy them even more thanks to the use of high resolution images(1920x1080 pixels) and wide screen format (wide screen).Some changes that will allow us to appreciate them in all their splendor no matter how large the monitor or screen from which we are accessing may be.
The measure has finally been adopted after being requested on more than one occasion by search engine users, being yet another example of the attention that Microsoft has paid lately to user feedback. But it is not the only one. That same feedback is what has also led them to modify, for example, the way of displaying the information of each image used as background.
From now on we will have an information button in the lower right corner of the screen that will display a box when hovering over it the cursor. Within this box, details such as the authorship and location of the photograph will be revealed, as well as shortcuts to share it on social networks and download it to our team when possible.
In addition to the above, Microsoft has also decided to give more visibility to some of its services by taking advantage of the home page format. Thus, has incorporated a link to Office Online in the top bar of the search engine, from where you can access the website of the office suite or display a menu that will facilitate access to all your online applications.
The additional good news that these new features incorporate is that, contrary to what is usual in Bing, a good part of them are now available to everyone . And we say a good part>"
Via | Bing Blogs Link |