
SpectatorView: Microsoft makes the HoloLens experience easier for users with an iOS device


Augmented Reality is the future for many companies and an example is product launches that focus on taking advantage of this new technology. From the playful aspect to the most professional, little by little we see how it is gaining prominence. And yet, still has a long way to go

Microsoft has its bet with its own stamp: the HoloLens, Augmented Reality glasses of which a second model is expected very soon , So much so that we have already seen how they could have been accidentally leaked by NASA in one of their videos.However, when it comes to verifying the experience produced by this type of product, there is a limitation. How to transfer it to other users? This is the meaning of the SpectatorView platform.

And given the difficulty that other people experience the same experience as a HoloLens user, the American company devised the SpectatorView platform, in which and thanks to the use of a camera DSLR with a special lens configuration that is recorded through the HoloLens, allows you to get closer to what it feels like to experiment with these types of environments

An experience that now expands its field of use, as SpectatorView is updated in preview mode and now allows access with iOS phones In this way the user can see on the screen, although with the limitations of not being able to experience 3D, the same thing that the user who is testing HoloLens is seeing.

This way if an iPhone, iPad or Apple TV is used and through a QR code that is used to pair both devices , you can even interact with the holograms and easily move around the environment the user is experiencing. The only requirement is that the devices are operating under the same network and have support for ARKit

We will have to wait for this type of technology to become popular among general users, but the great amount of possibilities it promises is still encouraginga field as young as this one.

More information | Microsoft Font | MSPU


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